Manpower requirements:
1. Encoders - to convert the comic source in WEBP format in resolution around Standard Definition (SD) quality (width: 1000 px * height: 1540 px)
Contact Form:
1. Encoders - to convert the comic source in WEBP format in resolution around Standard Definition (SD) quality (width: 1000 px * height: 1540 px)
No. of encoders for DC comics: 2
No. of encoders for Marvel comics: 2
No. of encoders for Other various comics: 4
Total no. of encoders needed: 8
* All the software required and guidance for encoding the comic will be provided.
2. Moderators - to keep tabs on everything happens on the site and between the staffs and the users.
No. of moderators required: 2-3
1. Hardware - PC with Windows or any other OS
2. Skills - Image format conversion, 7zip and Proper file renaming methods; Cloud Storage and Blogging
1. Skills - Good text based communication and moderating skills
Contact Form:
Please use the Contact Form from left-side side bar menu for applying for Staffing and use below format for the message.
Subject: Applying for Staffing
Position: DC Encoder | Marvel Encoder | Other Encoder | Moderator *
Position: DC Encoder | Marvel Encoder | Other Encoder | Moderator *
Your Skills: *
Interested topics related to Comics (max. two lines): *
Thank you.
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